BUSINESS STRATEGY > Technology Strategy

Technology Strategy

Business Strategy

Technology Business Strategy
Next Technology Strategy


In the Innovation Ecosystem of Silicon Valley, venture capital firm plays a role for catalyst for the large enterprise to promote next new business. Sequoia Capital always bring source of new businesses; such as YouTube and Google map for Google as its new business catalyst and prepare for Google to have own corporate VC arm of Google Ventures.


As a strong hands-on incubation company which can provide seed technology incubation as well as business incubation, SIP will work with the new business strategy and development section of large enterprise company to find seed technology source from global research institutes as outsourcing R&D section of the company, and supporting, outsourcing, and helping to initiate own corporate VC section within the company in global wide.


Generally the approach in the existing business of large enterprises tends to be thought based on the internal resources, they luck sense of real pace of technology transfer. SIP approach is well thought including how much time technology shift need to take, and how much social impact will be occurred by its prevail. Bringing in the outside sources of the company which they luck of, SIP will support the company to make pragmatic approach from the stand point of the market driven technology shift as innovation theory.


Another importance perspective which large organization tend to luck it the perspective of modularization of technology /business system for new business creation.SIP will develop a flexible innovation system for large enterprises new business creation to make it possible to organically utilize internal resources and external resources make. Role of the R&D section is not to create all the necessary technical resources for the company’s future strategy, but to modularize necessary technologies into business systems, product modules, core technologies and so on.


R&D section need to investigate what kind of quality level the university, startup community, R&D sections of major company have, and then bring it into its own resources. SIP, will support company to create global innovation base camps in the United States, Japan, Israel and Europe for its customized need.


Once technology strategy as a technology company’s compass is decided, R&D strategy process step up to POC( Proof Of Concept) project to maximize efficiency of development investment as a front stage of actual full scale development. On the observation of POC result, the company have to decide among; 1. tackling by only further internal R&D strategy, 2. cooperation with other seed VCs to share the investment amount, and 3. IP provision / sale in the case cannot lead to development.


Ultimately, after reviewing the next technology strategy, we will aim at integrating the R&D department and corporate VC investment, then reviewing the budget of the corporate VC and R&D human resources allocation. We will support for deployment of human resources between R&D section and staffing tech employees to the research institutes, universities and seed startups with investment partnership.